DLA Immigration Services

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DLA Immigration Services

Opening hours

3505, Lake Lynda Drive, Orlando, Florida, 32817




Consulta Inicial/Initial Consultation

. Duration:30 mins··. Price:$100


Immigration law firm.

Good to know


3 reviews
  • Miguel Acevedo·

    DLA Immigration Services provided us with very professional facts and advised us to make the vest decision on selecting the best approach in our immigration case.

  • Josmary Gimenez·

    Muy buena la consulta, aclare dudas!

  • Michael Ruiz·

    I don’t know where to begin thanking you for all of your help with our immigration status. I had spent many hours researching and interviewing different attorneys to help with our issues, only to never feel comfortable with their abilities and experience. But once meeting with Daliah Lugo-Auffant ,I felt that you were the best choice. You gave me the confidence I needed to pursue my quest for permanent immigration status. Mine was a difficult case, and your expertise and aggressiveness made the difference between what at first seemed an impossible task into a reality. Thank you, Daliah for doing such a wonderful job! It would be my pleasure to refer anyone needing legal help with immigration issues to you.

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